Sunday, May 5, 2013

Return to the Mothership--And Daycare.

Times have changed.

The kids are pushing four and six years old.  One is in full-time school, the other in part-time child care while Mommy works part-time too.  Had you asked me three years ago if this is where we would be right now, I would have replied with a vehement, "Heavens no!  My precious child shan't ever step foot in a *gasp* daycare facility!  I will raise my own children, thank you very much!"

Well, the money thing wasn't cooperating with our dream to avoid child care.  Something had to give, so when the baby was two and half, she started at child care two days a week so I could work and we could actually pay our bills, and do stuff like, you know, eat food.  

As it turned out, I got well lucky with the whole daycare thing.  I checked out a few centres and was feeling a bit trepidatious about the whole endeavour--kids sitting around looking dazed, staff barely minutes older than the little darlings I taught in high school.  I was suppose to trust my baby with these people?  Um, don't think so.

Then I went for a visit at one final place, and when I opened the door to the toddler room, there SHE was--a gorgeous friend I've known for years from mother's group.  Instantly, I was relaxed and relieved--she isn't a stranger, she's HER!  We hugged and chatted and caught up on the year we had spent in Canada.  She gave me a rundown on the place and we were able to stay and play until our heart's content, so my darling wild baby could feel comfortable in her new part-time digs.  I met some other staff members and they were delightful, young women as well as "more experienced" carers.  The centre was bright and cheery, and it just felt good--good to know my baby would be with someone I knew and trusted, in a place SHE knew and trusted.

That was a little over a year ago, and barring a few "clingy" days before realizing that "Mommy always comes back and picks me up," my littlest soldier has been loving life at her "school."  She plays and learns and creates--and I have no doubt the break from Mommy has been a relief for her some days. 

And it's a been good thing.

So thank you.  Thank you for lightening a load that was breaking my back.  Thank you for being the kind, caring and loving person you are.  Thank you for looking after my baby when I couldn't.  And you know who you are.

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