Friday, February 18, 2011

Get Thee to a Cross Trainer!

Whoa!  Finally dragged my ever expanding backside to the gym and had a decent workout.  Came home and was amazed at how patient I was with the kids and how calm I felt in general, depite it being dinner/bath time which is always hectic. 

A very reliable source once told me that three days of moderate exercise a week is equivalent to a mild anti-depressant.  Now if that doesn't get me to the gym regularly, I don't know what will! 

I used to be a gym rat--I loved the smell of the rubber mats, the bashing of the metal weights, the buzz of the treadmill.  When I was single and childless, I could plan my day around going to the gym.  Ahh, the good old days.  I wish I could just spend all day at the gym--I reckon I would be a much nicer person to be around!

And with any luck I will fit back into my skinny jeans before my birthday rolls around--and stay that way until Christmas.  Just need to conquer the food addiction.  Looks like it's going to be a busy year.

Come on, skinny me!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Monkey See, Monkey Do, Monkey Swear

I've been given a timely reminder.

Yesterday the Big Monster said, "Mom, these boots are so frickin' annoying!"  This morning it was, "Scarlet's made a frickin' mess."  Then the topper was, "I'm so frickin' annoying."

I am under no illusion that this type of behaviour from a 3 1/2 year old is just some random event and that I have absolutely no responsibility for it whatsoever.  Quite the opposite.  They SEE everything, they HEAR everything, they KNOW everything.  They behave exactly how I have taught them to behave through my own actions.  Everything I do and say sends a message about how to behave, especially between mothers and daughters.  The way I act teaches them what it means to be a woman.  So it's all my fault.

But I'm ok with this.  In fact, I find it empowering.  If I am responsible for the negative behaviour then I can also create the positive behaviour.  I can set the right example.  I hope.

Solution:  Go to the gym and burn off the excessive amounts of adrenalin that builds up out of the frustration of being with these children constantly.  Eat more vegetables.  Do the right thing.
