Saturday, January 29, 2011

Looking for some Greener Grass...

And we're here!  After five years of complaining about all things Australian, here we are in Canada.  And I can't help but feel like I want to go home.  Australia home. 

Maybe it's the frigid temperatures.  Maybe it's the endless layers of cotton and thermal and wool, mittens, gloves, hats, boots--as if it doesn't take long enough to get out of the house with kids, add in the infinite layers of clothing and by the time we are ready to leave, it's time to come home.  Maybe I need to give it more time.  I definitely need to give it more time.  Like a year. 

I was positive we would have a much better standard of living here--I would have a job right away, Nana could babysit the Little Monster while the Big Monster went to pre-school.  We would have money for the first time since babies.  Not working out that way.  Teachers here are a dime a dozen.  They want me to volunteer--indefinitely-- to get on the relief list.  To see if I can teach.  Because my five years experience in two countries, three professional references, teacher certification in both Western Australia and Ontario means nothing.  That doesn't tell anyone I can teach.  I am a grown up with a family to support and they want me to just volunteer my time and experience to prove I can teach.  Honestly.  On to Plan B.

And part of Plan B is:  Look for a job in another field.  So I did.  And I am now writing for an online magazine!  Lifelong dream realized!  Check out my article on flying overseas with children--an ordeal I have perfected at this point. 

So in the meantime, between writing about anything I can think of, trying not freeze my bejiggety off and doing laundry, we are all slowly adjusting to life in Canada.  Suddenly Christmas on the beach isn't looking so bad...