Thursday, May 19, 2011

The School Play

Last night was the school play.  A whole bunch of little ones from toddlers to senior kindergarteners, clustered on a tiny stage singing and dancing--well, doing something with their arms and legs, perhaps calling it dancing is a bit of a stretch--and being tremendously cute, while all us eager parents clamoured for a decent spot to take a priceless photo or video of the precious little darlings displaying their remarkable talent.  Of course, my kid was the best singer, dancer and all-round performer, and by far the absolute cutest.  To be honest, I couldn't tell you what the other kids did because my eyes were glued on her. 

Sad thing was, she was stuck behind other kids and way on the far side of the stage so we could barely see her.  And the school made a huge muck up of the event by having more people attend than they could accommodate and thus deciding at the very last minute to have two shows.  Rumour had it someone called the Fire Marshall and the school was threatened with fines if they allowed too many people in the hall.  And to top it off, the grandparents and great grandparents had to leave after the first show, I couldn't find my little giraffe, so they never got to see each other.  First thing my disheveled safarian said to me was, "Where's Nana?  Did she see me?  Where's Nana!?"  Disappointment.  Huge.  For all of us. 

Are my expectations too high?  Is it too much to expect the school would check fire regulations?  Can't they insist tickets are pre-bought?  Am I being too demanding to think the school should have sent an email telling us when to bring the kids, what the kids needed to wear, where to drop them off and pick them up, without me having to call and ask?  And lastly, if I were to call and complain and bring to light the myriad mistakes the school made in putting on this performance--one they apparently do every year--would anyone give a rat's arse what I think.  Probably not.

But the sparkly giraffe had fun and has been singing her song all day.  Perhaps I should take a lesson from a 3 3/4 year old in seeing the bright side of things....

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